Thursday, March 26, 2009

Indians Daily life with Indian Railways

A very interesting segment from NG's 'The Great Indian Railways'.

Luxurious Train: Indian Royal Voyage

The Foodie Cookbook: The Golden Chariot

Embark on The Golden Chariot, experience the luxurious journey and enjoy the lavish cuisine.
Check out the Korri Gassi Dharwadi Bhindi you will definitely love it.Lets check it out.T Now Times NowThe Luxurious Golden Chariot Part1.mp4This show is a feast for food fans. Because this is the first ever cookery show that is actually not a cookery show. Kunal Vijayakar, the incorrigible foodie, goes away from the cook-a-meal, do-a-restaurant-review format. He gets hold of celebrities, shops for food with them, bargains in the market and as if that were not exciting enough, he also makes them cook for him and then polishes off every morsel. The most appetizing hour for all food lovers.

World Water Day Video from charity: water

March 22nd is World Water Day.

More than 1 billion people on the planet don't have access to clean drinking water. For $20 a person, non-profit charity: water funds clean water solutions like shallow wells, deep wells, rainwater harvesting systems, and spring protections to provide people in need with clean and safe drinking water.

Find out how you can help give one person clean drinking water at

charity: water's latest promo video features the well-drilling work we fund in the forgotten Central African Republic. Directed by Simon Willows, "Time Bomb" track donated by Beck.

Hugs with Lions

A man bravely hugs with lions watch out the video.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Thirumalai Darshan Timings

Thirumalai Ventakateshwara Temple Programme includes Special Sevas, Special Poojas, Special Abishekam, etc. The timings and Rates of the above programmes are varies from Mondays to Sundays. The below link help you to know about the timings and Rates of the Darshans, Special Poojas, etc.

Thirumalai Temple Darshan Timings

How to book Nano online

Watch How to book Nano online

Monday, March 23, 2009

Live Video of Tokyo Fedex Cargo Plane Crash Analysis

Reviewing and investigating live video footage of Fedex cargo jet from China crashes in Tokyo Narita International airport concerning weather(wind). Also weighs in by an expert of former inspecting general with federal transportation department, Mary Schiavo on her observation of the live video footage of the plane landing!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Madurai Map

Madurai is one of the ancient cities in India. Madurai having the history of more than 2000 years. Madurai Map is useful for you.

View Larger Map - Step-by-Step Tutorial on How to Blog

This video tutorial useful for you to create a blog using wordpress.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Mainframe Systems

1.2 Mainframe Systems

Mainframe computer systems were the first computer used for many commercial and scientific applications. The operating system in mainframe computer used three concept.

1. Batch Systems
2. Multiprogramming Systems
3. Timeshared Systems

1. Batch Systems :

In batch systems, the user prepared a job which consisted of the program and the data. The job was usually stored in punch cards which was an input device for a mainframe systems. The output consisted of the result of the program.

The task of operating systems in mainframe computer was very simple. It loads the job [batched together job] into the main memory. When it finished, it loads the next job. Therefore, only one process was loaded into memory at a time.

Drawback of Mainframe Systems :

In batch system, to read the program, we need of a card reader. It was very slow in reading. The speed of the CPU was high when compared to speed the card reader. Therefore, most of the time, the CPU was idle.

Multiprogrammed Systems :

Multiprogramming systems overcomes the drawback of batch system. The basic idea of multiprogramming system is as follows :

The operating system keeps multiple jobs in main memory.

The operating system picks one of the jobs from the main memory and executes. If the running job needs of some input from the keyboard, it goes to waiting state. At that moment, some other job is picked up from main memory by operating system and that job is executed by CPU. Therefore, the CPU will never become idle.

Time-Sharing Systems : (CPU Scheduling + Multiprogramming)

Time sharing system is the extension of multiprogramming systems. In time sharing systems, the CPU switches so frequently from one job to another, so that each and every job gets the CPU time. Thus, the user can interact with each program while it is running.

A time-shared operating system allows many users to share the computer simultaneously. Since each action or command in a time-shared system tends to be short, only a little CPU time is needed for each user. As the system switches rapidly from one user to the next, each user is given the impression that the entire computer system is dedicated to the user, even though it is shared by many users.

In time-shared systems, several jobs must be kept simultaneously in main memory, so the operating system must have

1. Memory Management
2. Protection

Time-sharing is achieved through virtual memory techniques. The main advantage of the virtual memory scheme is that programs can be larger than physical memory.

Previous Page

Definition of Operating Systems


1.1 Definition of OS

What is an Operating System?
An operating system is a program that manages the computer hardware. It acts as an intermediate between the user of the computer and the computer hardware.

According to their task completion, they are varied different kinds of Operating system are used for different computer systems. For example,

1. Mainframe Operating system are designed to optimize utilization of hardware.
2. Personal Computer (PC) operating system support complex games, business applications.
3. Handheld operating system used to interact with user easily.

Goal of Operating System :

1. It should be convenient to the user.
2. It should be efficient to the user.

Abstract view of the Components of a Computer System :

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Internet Bus Video

Watch how to use Internet full fledgedly



Beginning Yoga Exercise For Weight Loss

Yoga is the perfect exercise for a person starting a new weight loss program. Yoga provides strength, stretch, flexibility and make you feel great. Yoga's mind/body connection is the key to a lean, tone body and a healthy life.

Thirukural - Kadavul Vazhthu

LPÜs YôrjÕ


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St\ôs ùRôZôAo G²u

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©\®l ùTÚeLPp ¿kÕYo ¿kRôo
Cû\Yu A¥úNWô Rôo

Pullarivanmai - Thirukural


A±®uûU CuûUÙs CuûU ©±§uûU

A±®Xôu ùSgÑYkÕ DRp ©±ÕVôÕm
CpûX ùTßYôu RYôm.

A±®Xôo RômRmûUl À¯dÏm ÀûZ
ùNßYôodÏm ùNnRp A¬Õ.

ùYiûU G]lTÓYÕ VôùR²u JiûU
EûPVmVôm Guàm ùNÚdÏ.

YpXÕôEm IVm RÚm.

Atm Uû\jRúXô ×pX±Ü RmY«u
Ït\m Uû\Vô Y¯.

AÚUû\ úNôÚm A±®Xôu ùNnÙm
ùTÚªû\ Rôú] R]dÏ.

HYÜm ùNnLXôu RôuúR\ôu AqÜ«o
úTôJm A[ÜúUôo úSôn.

LôQôRôu LôhÓYôu RôuLôQôu LôQôRôu
LiPô]ôm RôuLiP Yôß.

EXLjRôo EiùPuTÕ CpùXuTôu ûYVjÕ
AXûLVô ûYdLl TÓm.